
Publication policy

A binding publication guideline regulates the publication of all research results of the IPF by implementing the principles of the GSP in a formalized way. In particular, it ensures that all stakeholders are adequately considered, have access to all data, analyses and derived results, are fully aware of and acknowledge the publication at every stage of the revision process.
It also anchors the immediately retrievable storage of all meta and primary data. Compliance with the policy is possible for employees using a compact workflow and is reviewed at all management levels with high priority.
Publications are approved by immediate superiors and the institute's management, taking into account contractual regulations, in particular with regard to confidentiality, intellectual property rights and funding guidelines.
The guideline also regulates the participation of IPF employees in joint publications with other institutions. As of May 2022, it is mandatory to prove to the supervisor that the integrity of each manuscript has been checked by means of anti-plagiarism software (PlagScan, eThentiate, scribbr or others) before submission for publication in a scientific journal or as a graduate thesis.