Publication of full manuscripts
We are not going to publish proceedings or a special issue of a journal with full manuscripts of lectures or posters presented at SCM-6.
However, we would like to encourage you to submit innovative and significant research focussing on analytical and bioanalytical themes to Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (Springer).
Accepted papers will be published online within about 20 days after acceptance, fully citable by DOI (Digital Object Identifier). Then they will be assigned to the next available print issue. Upon request of the author a footnote including the title of the conference can be added to the paper. ABC is pleased to announce that color figures will be printed in color free-of-charge to the author, both in the online and print versions of the journal, and each author team will be provided with a free e-offprint (PDF including attractive cover sheet) of their published article.
Manuscripts need to be full Research Papers, Rapid Communications or Notes, presenting original, unpublished work. The Editors would like to point out that according to Editorial policy each submitted paper, explicitly including those related to a conference, is subject to customary peer-review and copy-editing procedures: The peer-review procedure includes prescreening by the Editors to ensure compliance with the journals aims and scope. Thereafter, customary peer-review might be initiated with external experts assessing the contribution. Criteria for acceptance of a contribution include the receipt of two positive referee reports by renowned experts of the respective field in analytical or bioanalytical chemistry.
You will find the journal's aims and scope and instructions for authors on the ABC homepage at Here are some further details on research papertypes:
- For a full Research Paper, paper length must be appropriate to content. There is no strict page limit, but ABC advises a maximum length of up to 6 000 words including 20-30 references, plus 4-6 figures and 1-3 tables.
- Rapid Communications are urgent communications of important preliminary results that are very original, of high interest and likely to have a significant impact on the analytical community. A Rapid Communication needs only to demonstrate a proof of principle. Yet, fragmentation of a substantial body of work into a number of short publications is strongly discouraged and is a valid reason for rejection. For a Rapid Communication we advise a length of 3000 words, plus 2 figures and/or tables, and 15 key references.
- Notes describe noteworthy improvements, significant novel applications, or practical solutions to problems in an (established) analytical technique (full reference to the established technique must be provided within the manuscript). For a Note we advise a maximum length of up to 2000 words, plus 2 figures and/or tables, and max. 5 key references.
Please submit your paper online directly to the ABC editorial office at