Submission of contributions
ONLINE SUBMISSION: Extended deadline expired on Nov. 22, 2013
The organizers have received a large number of applications for oral and poster contributions. The program committee is going to decide on acceptance within the announced period and you will be informed by Dec. 16, 2013.
For post-deadline submissions you would have to contact the organizers first!
First step:
Create your login to the system (i.e. give in your contact data and define username and password).
If you have registered to an IPF conference earlier you have already got a login that you should use. In case of forgotten user name and/or password you may use the LOST PASSWORD function inserting your e-mail address.
Second step:
Submit contribution(s) and/or register yourself for the conference - either immediately after creating login or later, at any time before the respective deadlines, using your login data.
Please note that abstracts can contain text of 2,000 signs (incl. blanks, incl. references) plus title, plus authors, plus affiliations and one figure (max. 1 MB; will be printed 6 cm in height and max. 9 cm in width) plus figure caption of 400 signs (incl. blanks).
Each successful submission is immediately confirmed by a message on the display and by an email.