Invited Lectures
Invited tutorials (á 45 min)
Jörg Bischoff (Osiris Optical Engineering Ilmenau, Germany): Ellipsometry-scatterometry theory: RCWA, C-method and the grating solver unigit
Tom Oates (ISAS, Berlin, Germany): Polarized spectroscopy of metal nanoparticle films and metamaterials
Invited talks (á 25 min)
Robert Brunner (FH Jena, Germany): Artificial anti-reflecting moth-eye structures
Martin Foldyna (CNRS-LPICM, France): Optical characterization and modeling of nanostructures for photovoltaic applications
Miklos Fried (MTA TTK MFA, Budapest, Hungary): Expanded beam spectroscopic ellipsometry for thin film solar cell production
Kenneth Järrendahl (U Linköping, Sweden): Polarizing natural chiral nanostructures
Jörg Rappich (HZB, Germany): In-situ IR-ellipsometry applied to organic/silicon interfaces in solution
Mathias Schubert (U Nebraska-Lincoln, USA): From QCMD-ellipsometry combination to bire-fringence imaging chromatography and bire-fringence microscopy using sculptured co-lumnar thin films
Andrej Sirenko (NJIT, Newark, USA): Investigation of electromagnetic modes in multiferroic oxides by far infrared Mueller-Matrix ellipsometry
Lidong Sun (U Linz, Austria): Reflectance difference spectroscopy: A versatile tool for surface science