- 19.12.2012 December 19: Prof. Morgan Alexander: High Throughput Materials Discovery Adventures with Polymer Microarrays
Prof. Morgan AlexanderSchool of Pharmacy , The University of Nottingham, UK High Throughput Materials Discovery Adventures with Polymer MicroarraysDecember 19, 2012, 14:00, Konferenzsaal more »
- 13.12.2012 December 13: Dr. Yulia Shulevich, Impact of lyophilizing power of polyelectrolytes on their interaction with oppositely charged surfactant and application of resultant complexes for wastewater treatment.
Dr. Yulia ShulevichVolgograd State Technical UniversityImpact of lyophilizing power of polyelectrolytes on their interaction with oppositely charged surfactant and application of resultant complexes for wastewater … more »
- 04.12.2012 December 04: Prof. Dr. Alexander Lion, Modellierung des thermomechanischen und kalorischen Verhaltens von Polymerschichten auf Metallsubstraten
Prof. Dr. Alexander LionUniversität der Bundeswehr MünchenInstitut für Mechanik Fakultät für Luft- und RaumfahrttechnikModellierung des thermomechanischen und kalorischen Verhaltens von Polymerschichten auf … more »
- 01.10.2012 October 1: Prof. Dr. Mathias Schubert, Detection of organic attachment onto highly-ordered 3-dimensional nanostructures.
Prof. Dr. Mathias SchubertUniversity of Nebraska-Lincoln, Dep. of Electrical Engineeringand Center for Materials Research and Analysis, Lincoln, USADetection of organic attachment onto highly-ordered 3-dimensional … more »
- 27.09.2012 September 29: Prof. D. Y. Yoon, Structure and Properties of Organosilicate Hybrid Polymers for Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics
Prof. D. Y. YoonStanford University, Dep. of Chemical Engineering, Stanford (CA), USAStructure and Properties of Organosilicate Hybrid Polymers for Nanoelectronics and OptoelectronicsSeptember 27, 2012, 14:00, … more »
- 25.09.2012 September 25, Prof. Dr. Jyrki Vuorinen, Rubbers in arctic conditions.
Prof. Dr. Jyrki VuorinenTampere University of Technology, Department of Materials Science, Tampere FinlandRubbers in arctic conditions.September 25, 2012, 14:00, Konferenzsaal more »
- 14.09.2012 September 14: Dr. Alexey Polotsky, Conformations of dendritic and star-brushes studies by self-consistent field modeling
Dr. Alexey PolotskyRussian Academy of Science, Institute of Macromolecular Compounds, Saint-Petersburg, RusslandConformations of dendritic and star-brushes studies by self-consistent field modelingSeptember 14, 2012, … more »
- 11.09.2012 September 11: Prof. Dr. Sabu Thomas, Compatibilisation of Polymer Blends
Prof. Dr. Sabu ThomasMahatma Gandhi University, Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, IndiaCompatibilisation of Polymer BlendsSeptember 11, 2012, 10:00 Seminarraum Biobau more »
- 04.09.2012 September 04: Dr. Natalya Dolya, Synthese und Untersuchung von Hydrogelen mit Metall-Nanopartikeln
Dr. Natalya DolyaUniversität Paderborn, Institut für ChemieSynthese und Untersuchung von Hydrogelen mit Metall-NanopartikelnSeptember 04, 2012, 11:00, Konferenzsaal more »
- 27.08.2012 August 27, Prof. Dr. Tim A. Osswald, Modeling Fiber Motion Using Mechanistic Models.
Prof. Dr. Tim A. OsswaldUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Wisconsin, USAModeling Fiber Motion Using Mechanistic Models.August 27, 2012, 10:00, Konferenzsaal more »
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