

18.05.2016 May 18: Dr. Kai Zhang, Conjugated nanoporous polymers for visible light photocatalysis: A metal-free alternative

Dr. Kai ZhangMax-Planck-Institut für Polymerforschung, MainzTitel: "Conjugated nanoporous polymers for visible light photocatalysis: A metal-free alternative"May 18, 2016, 10:00, Konferenzsaal more »

17.05.2016 May 17: Prof. Shigeru Okamoto, Highly ordered structures of elastomeric block copolymers and application to tunable photonic crystals

Prof. Shigeru OkamotoNagoya Institute of Technology, JapanTitel: "Highly ordered structures of elastomeric block copolymers and application to tunable photonic crystals"May 17, 2016, 14:00, Konferenzsaal more »

12.05.2016 May 12: Dr. Shib Shankar Banerjee, Development and properties of novel nanostructured polyamide 6/fluoroelastomer thermoplastic elastomeric blends

Dr. Shib Shankar BanerjeeIndian Institute of Technology, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Patna, IndiaTitel: "Development and properties of novel nanostructured polyamide 6/fluoroelastomer … more »

11.05.2016 May 11: Dr. Charlotte Martineau, Solid-state NMR measurements in heterogeneous materials

Dr. Charlotte MartineauUniversité de Versailles St. Quentin (UVSQ), FranceTitel: "Solid-state NMR measurements in heterogeneous materials"May 11, 2016, 14:00, Konferenzsaal more »

20.04.2016 Apr 20: Prof. Jeffrey A. Reimer, Nuclear hyperpolarization: The quest for nuclear spintronics and ultra-high sensitivity magnetic resonance

Prof. Jeffrey A. ReimerUniversity of California Berkeley, College of Chemistry, USATitle: "Nuclear hyperpolarization: The quest for nuclear spintronics and ultra-high sensitivity magnetic resonance"April 20, … more »

14.04.2016 Apr 14: Prof. Giulio Malucelli, Recent surface approaches for conferring flame retardant features to plastics and textiles

Prof. Giulio MalucelliPolitecnico di Torino, Department of Applied Science and Technology, Alessandria, ItalyTitel: "Recent surface approaches for conferring flame retardant features to plastics and … more »

05.04.2016 Apr 5: Ass. Prof. Adeline Perro-Marre, Engineering hybrid spherical particles towards colloidal molecules

Ass. Prof. Adeline Perro-MarreInstitut Polytechnique de Bordeaux, École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie, de Biologie et de Physique, Pessac, FranceTitel: "Engineering hybrid spherical particles towards colloidal … more »

22.03.2016 Mar 22: Dr. Wojciech Ogieglo, Swellipsometry and tellipsometry: In-situ spectroscopic ellipsometry for studies of thin polymer films and membranes

Dr. Wojciech OgiegloDWI Leibniz Institute for Interactive Materials, AachenTitle: "Swellipsometry and tellipsometry: In-situ spectroscopic ellipsometry for studies of thin polymer films and membranes"March 22, … more »

15.03.2016 Mar 15: Dr. Bo Persson, Multiscale contact mechanics with applications

Dr. Bo PerssonForschungszentrum Jülich, GermanyTitle: "Multiscale contact mechanics with applications"March 15, 2016, 14:00, Seminarraum Laborgebäude more »

10.03.2016 Mar 10: Dr. Astrid Drechsler, New strategies for the generation of technologically relevant stable superomniphobic coatings on sol-gel base

Dr. Astrid DrechslerIPF Dresden, Abteilung PolymergrenzflächenTitel: "New strategies for the generation of technologically relevant stable superomniphobic coatings on sol-gel base"March 10, 2016, 14:00, … more »

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