

16.11.2009 November 16: Michel Gerspacher, Relevant characterization of fillers

Dr. habil Michel GerspacherEhem. Fa. Sid Richardson, Fort Worth, Texas, USARelevant characterization of fillers with special emphasis on carbon blackNovember 16,2009, 14:00 , Konferenzsaal more »

16.11.2009 November 16: P. Pissis, Glass transition and polymer dynamics

Prof. P. PissisNational Technical University of Athens, Department of Physics, Zografou Campus, Athens, GreeceGlass transition and polymer dynamics in polymer nanocompositesNovember 16,2009, 10:00 , Seminarraum … more »

12.11.2009 November 12: Sven Fleischmann, SET-LRP - a real living polymerization

Sven FleischmannRoy & Diana Vagelos Laboratories, Department of Chemistry, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USASET-LRP - a real living polymerization of acrylates and methacrylatesNovember 12,2009, 14:00 , … more »

11.11.2009 November 11: Maria Conceicao Paiva, Chemical Functionalization of Carbon Nanotubes

Dr. Maria Conceicao PaivaUniversity of Minho, Institute for Polymers and Composites/I3N, Guimaraes, PortugalChemical Functionalization of Carbon Nanotubes for the Dispersion in Polymer MatricesNovember 11,2009, 13:00 , … more »

10.11.2009 Chantal David-Granat, Ximex - 3D Numerical Simulation of Mixing

Dr. Chantal David-GranatSciences Computers Consultants, St. Etienne, FranceXimeX - 3D Numerical Simulation of Mixing and Transport Processes in Polymer Processing DevicesNovember 10,2009, 13:00 , Konferenzsaal more »

06.11.2009 Ehrenkolloquium zum 60. Geburtstag von Prof. Manfred Stamm

more »

05.11.2009 November 5: Fathollah Varnik, Recent progress in understanding

Dr. hab. Fathollah VarnikRuhruniversität BochumRecent progress in understanding the fascinating world of small dropletsNovember 5,2009, 14:00 , Seminarraum Laborgebäude Biomaterialien more »

14.10.2009 October 14: Alexander Blumen, Dynamics of Flexible and Semiflexible

Prof. Alexander BlumenUniversität FreiburgDynamics of Flexible and Semiflexible Tree like NetworksOctober 14,2009, 13:00 , Seminarraum Werkstofflaborgebäude more »

09.10.2009 October 9: Sebastian Seiffert, Functional Microgels

Dr. Sebastian SeiffertHarvard University, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Gordon MC Kay Labaratory, Cambridge, USAFunctional Microgels Tailored by DropletMicrofluidicsOctober 9,2009, 11:00 , Seminarraum … more »

08.10.2009 October 8: Jorge Lacayo-Pineda, Die Krümelkunde und ....

Prof. Dr. Jorge Lacayo-PinedaContinental Reifen Deutschland GmbHDie Krümelkunde und das Sichtbarmachen eines alten Werkstoffs: GummiParticle Statistics and Visualisation of an Old Material: RubberOctober 8, 2009, 13:00, … more »

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