- 24.08.2018 Kolloquium: Oxana Klementieva, New light on Alzheimer’s disease: Single-cell nano-spectroscopic imaging of aggregated amyloid-β directly in neurons. Label-free spectroscopic imaging of neurons from transgenic mouse models of Alzheimer´s disease.
Oxana KlementievaLund University, Dept. of Experimental Medical Science, SwedenTitle: "New light on Alzheimer’s disease: Single-cell nano-spectroscopic imaging of aggregated amyloid-β directly in neurons. … more »
- 14.08.2018 Kolloquium: Prof. De-Yi Wang, Functionalization of nanomaterials vs fire properties of polymeric materials
Prof. De-Yi WangIMDEA Materials Institute, Madrid, SpainTitle: "Functionalization of nanomaterials vs fire properties of polymeric materials"August, 14, 2018, 10:00, Konferenzsaal more »
- 09.08.2018 Kolloquium: Dr. Kalim Deshmukh, Graphene oxide filled polymer composites as high dielectric constant materials for energy storage applications
Dr. Kalim DeshmukhB. S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, IndiaTitle: "Graphene oxide filled polymer composites as high dielectric constant materials for energy storage … more »
- 03.08.2018 Kolloquium: Dr. Johanna Blass, "How molecular kinetics determine adhesion and friction"
Dr. Johanna BlassINM - Leibniz Institute for New Materials, Saarbrücken"How molecular kinetics determine adhesion and friction"August, 3, 2018, 10:00, Konferenzsaal more »
- 03.07.2018 Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Dmitry Bedrov, Structural and dynamic correlations in liquid crystalline and photo-responsive materials: Insight from atomistic molecular simulations
Prof. Dr. Dmitry BedrovUniversity of Utah, Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, USATitle: "Structural and dynamic correlations in liquid crystalline and photo-responsive materials: Insight from atomistic … more »
- 03.07.2018 Kolloquium: Prof. Kevin Healy, Human organs chips for drug development, disease modeling, and precision medicine
Prof. Kevin HealyUniversity of California, Berkeley, USATitle: "Human organs chips for drug development, disease modeling, and precision medicine" July, 03, 2018, 11:00, Seminarraum, Max-Bergmann-Zentrum more »
- 29.06.2018 Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Dr. Lorenz Meinel, Bioresponsive diagnostics and therapeutics
Prof. Dr. Dr. Lorenz MeinelInstitut für Pharmazie, Universität WürzburgTitle: "Bioresponsive diagnostics and therapeutics"June, 29, 2018, 11:00, Seminarraum, Max-Bergmann-Zentrum more »
- 26.06.2018 Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Michael Raghunath, More is more: Amplification of extracellular matrix via macromolecular crowding in 2D, 3D, cell culture and in bioprinting
Prof. Dr. Michael RaghunathZurich University of Applied Sciences, SwitzerlandTitle: "More is more: Amplification of extracellular matrix via macromolecular crowding in 2D, 3D, cell culture and in … more »
- 25.06.2018 Kolloquium: Dr. Gesine Gunkel-Grabole, Surface-immobilized polymeric nanoreactors
Dr. Gesine Gunkel-GraboleUniversity of Basel, Dept. of Chemistry, SwitzerlandTitle: "Surface-immobilized polymeric nanoreactors"June, 25, 2018, 10:00, Konferenzsaal more »
- 15.06.2018 Kolloquium: Prof. Christopher Barner-Kowollik, Controlling macromolecular material synthesis with different colours of light
Prof. Christopher Barner-KowollikQueensland University of Technology, Soft Matter Materials Laboratory; Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Macromolecular Architectures Research Team Title: "Controlling … more »
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