

11.11.2014 Nov. 11: Dr. Maxim Dolgushev, Branched and loop-like semiflexible polymers

Dr. Maxim DolgushevAlbert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Theoretische Polymerphysik Titel: "Branched and loop-like semiflexible polymers"Nov. 11, 2014, 13:00, Seminarraum Max-Bergmann-Zentrum more »

03.11.2014 Nov. 3: Barbara Klajnert-Maculewicz, Dendrimers in biomedical applications

Prof. Barbara Klajnert-MaculewiczUniversity of Lodz, Department of General Biophysics, PolandTitel: "Dendrimers in biomedical applications"Nov. 3, 2014, 10:00, Konferenzsaal more »

23.10.2014 Oct. 23: Samuel M. Lawrence, Using hyperspectral microscopy to characterize and map nano-scale particles and coatings in complex matrices

Samuel M. LawrenceCyto Viva, Inc., Auburn, USATitel: Using hyperspectral microscopy to characterize and map nano-scale particles and coatings in complex matricesOct. 23, 2014, 11:00, Konferenzsaal more »

09.10.2014 Oct. 9: Michael Sommer, Direct arylation in material science

Dr. Michael SommerUniversität Freiburg, Institut für Makromolekulare ChemieTitel: "Direct arylation in material science"Oct. 9, 2014, 14:00, Konferenzsaal more »

02.10.2014 Oct. 2: Anna Musyanovych, Polymeric nanocolloids: Different facets for bio-related applications

Dr. rer. nat. Anna MusyanovychFraunhofer-Institut für Mikrotechnik MainzTitel: "Polymeric nanocolloids: Different facets for bio-related applications"Oct. 2, 2014, 14:00, Konferenzsaal more »

29.09.2014 Sept. 29: E. Bhoje Gowd, Highly exfoliated polymer/surfactant-free LDH nanocomposites: Structure, morphology and crystallization behaviour

Dr. E. Bhoje GowdCSIR National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology, Kerala, IndienHighly exfoliated polymer/surfactant-free LDH nanocomposites: Structure, morphology and crystallization behaviourSept. … more »

26.09.2014 Sept. 26: Toshikazu Miyoshi, Chain-folding structure, molecular dimension, structural disorder, and molecular dynamics of semi-crystalline polymers as elucidated by solid-state NMR

Dr. Toshikazu MiyoshiThe University of Akron, Department of Polymer Science, USATitel: "Chain-folding structure, molecular dimension, structural disorder, and molecular dynamics of semi-crystalline polymers as … more »

23.09.2014 Sept. 23: Elena M. De-Juan-Pardo, Bioengineered in vitro models of tumour microenvironments

Dr. Elena M. De-Juan-PardoQueensland University of TechnologyTitel: "Bioengineered in vitro models of tumour microenvironments"Sept. 23, 2014, 14:00, Seminarraum Max-Bergmann-Zentrum more »

12.09.2014 Sept. 12: Holger Schönherr, Enzyme-responsive polymer nanocapsules and hydrogels: Stucture-property analysis and potential application for the detection of pathogenic bacteria

Prof. Dr. Holger SchönherrUniversität Siegen, GermanyEnzyme-responsive polymer nanocapsules and hydrogels: Stucture-property analysis and potential application for the detection of pathogenic bacteriaSept. 12, 2014, … more »

12.09.2014 Sept. 12: Jens Gaitzsch, Linear and branched block-copolymers for polymeric vesicles

Dr. Jens GaitzschUniversity College London, Department of ChemistryTitel: "Linear and branched block-copolymers for polymeric vesicles"Sept. 12, 2014, 14:00, Seminarraum Max-Bergmann-Zentrum more »

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