

10.07.2014 July 10: Steffen Witzleben, Untersuchungen zur Verwendung von Chitosan als Templat bei der Synthese neuer mineralischer Bindemittel

Prof. Dr. Steffen WitzlebenHochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, FB Angewandte Naturwissenschaften, RheinbachUntersuchungen zur Verwendung von Chitosan als Templat bei der Synthese neuer mineralischer BindemittelJuly 10, 2014, … more »

04.07.2014 July 4: Christine Papadakis, Dünne Blockcopolymerfilme im Lösungsmitteldampf - Prozess-Schritt oder spannende Prozesse?

Prof. Dr. Christine PapadakisTU München, GermanyDünne Blockcopolymerfilme im Lösungsmitteldampf - Prozess-Schritt oder spannende Prozesse?July 4, 2014, 10:20, Konferenzsaal more »

04.07.2014 July 4: Kay Saalwächter, NMR studies of entangled polymer dynamics: Beyond the tube model

Prof. Dr. Kay SaalwächterMLU Halle-Wittenberg, GermanyNMR studies of entangled polymer dynamics: Beyond the tube modelJuly 4, 2014, 09:40, Konferenzsaal more »

04.07.2014 July 4: Vincent Ball, Combinatorial approach for polymer based coatings

Prof. Dr. Vincent BallUniversité de Strasbourg, FranceCombinatorial approach for polymer based coatingsJuly 4, 2014, 08:40, Konferenzsaal more »

04.07.2014 July 4: Aranzazu del Campo, Dynamic biointerfaces

Dr. Aranzazu del CampoMPI Mainz, GermanyDynamic biointerfacesJuly 4, 2014, 08:00, Konferenzsaal more »

03.07.2014 July 3: Francisco José Baltá-Calleja, SAXS studies of nanolayered polymer composites: Influence of confinement

Prof. Francisco José Baltá-CallejaCSIC, Instituto de Estructura de la Materia, SpainSAXS studies of nanolayered polymer composites: Influence of confinementJuly 3, 2014, 15:00, Seminarraum Max-Bergmann-Zentrum more »

24.06.2014 June 24: Rameshwar Adhikari, Natural fibres reinforced natural rubber and MWCNT filled thermoplastic elastomers

Dr. Rameshwar AdhikariTribhuvan University, Central Department of Chemistry, Kirtipur, Kathmandu, NepalNatural fibres reinforced natural rubber and MWCNT filled thermoplastic elastomersJune 24, 2014, 10:00, Seminarraum … more »

20.06.2014 June 20: Carson Meredith, Discovery and engineering of new adhesive designs based on lessons from nature: Pollen

Prof. Carson MeredithGeorgia Institute of Technology, School of Chemical and Biomolecular EngineeringDiscovery and engineering of new adhesive designs based on lessons from nature: PollenMay 20, 2014, 14:30, Seminarraum … more »

26.05.2014 May 26: Jens Möller, Implications of catch bonds and high aspects ratio shape on the mechanics of bacterial uptake by macrophages

Dr. Jens MöllerStanford University, Microsystems Laboratory, USAImplications of catch bonds and high aspects ratio shape on the mechanics of bacterial uptake by macrophagesMay 26, 2014, 14:00, Seminarraum … more »

23.05.2014 May 23: Christopher K. Ober, Polymer brushes: Patternable structures as interfaces with the biological environment

Christopher K. OberCornell University, Materials Science and EngineeringPolymer brushes: Patternable structures as interfaces with the biological environmentMay 23, 2014, 10:00, Seminarraum EG Max-Bergmann-Zentrum more »

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