

07.04.2009 April 6: Marc Tjawa, Role of the urokinase receptor uPAR and ....

Dr. Marc TjwaGoethe Universität Frankfurt/MainRole of the urokinase receptor uPAR and plasmin in the maintenance, engraftment and mobilization of hematopoietic progenitor cellsApril 7, 2009, 14:00, Seminarraum … more »

27.03.2009 March 27: Andreas Timmann, Small-angle x-ray scattering of

Dr. Andreas Timmann Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (HASYLAB), HamburgSmall-angle x-ray scattering of block copolymer colloidsMarch 27,2009, 11:00 , Konferenzsaal more »

26.03.2009 March 26: Andrés Lasagni, Direct fabrication polymeric periodic arrays

Dr. Andrés LasagniFraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology, DresdenDirect fabrication polymeric periodic arrays in the microscale using multibeam laser interference patterning - A method for surface … more »

26.03.2009 March 26: E. Bhoje Gowd, Generation of nanostructured materials

Dr. E. Bhoje GowdIPF Dresden, Teilinstitut Physikalische Chemie und Chemie der PolymereGeneration of nanostructured materials from thin films of block copolymer assemblesMarch 26,2009, 10:00 , Konferenzsaal more »

24.03.2009 March 24: Walther Burchard, Association Phenomena ...

Prof. Walther BurchardUniversität FreiburgAssociation Phenomena with BiopolymersMarch 24, 2009, 10:00, Konferenzsaal more »

17.03.2009 March 17: Günther Höhne, Hochdruck-Kalorimetrie

Dr. Günther HöhneUniversität UlmHochdruck-Kalorimetrie: Möglichkeiten und GrenzenMarch 17, 2009, 11.00 Uhr, Konferenzsaal more »

20.02.2009 February 20: Derek Mortisen, Scaffolds as functional templates ....

Dr. Derek MortisenAO Foundation, Davos, SwitzerlandScaffolds as functional templates for cardiac tissue engineeringFebruary 20, 2009, 10:00, Seminarraum Laborgebäude für Biomaterialien more »

21.01.2009 January 21: G. Nowak, Untersuchungen zu gerinngungshemmenden...

Prof. G. NowakUniversitätsklinikum JenaUntersuchungen zur gerinnungshemmenden Beschichtung von PolymeroberflächenJanuary 21, 2009, 14:00, Seminarraum Laborgebäude für Biomaterialien more »

20.01.2009 Januar 20: Elisabetta Ranucci, Interdisciplinary Centre of nanostructured

Prof. Elisabetta RanucciUniversity of MilanBiocompatible and biodegradable hydrogels for biotechnological applicationsJanuary 20,2009, 13:30 , KonferenzsaalFällt auf Grund einer Erkrankung aus! more »

18.12.2008 December 18: G. Reiter, Dewetting of thin polymer

Prof. Dr. G. ReiterUniversität FreiburgDewetting of Thin Polymer Films Close to the Glass TransitionDecember 18, 2008, 10:00, Konferenzsaal more »

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