

22.01.2020 Colloquium: Prof. Dr. Thomas Palberg

Prof. Dr. Thomas PalbergInstitute of Physics, Johannes Gutenberg University MainzRole of pH in Modular Micro SwimmingJanuary, 22, 2020, 10:00, Conference Hall more »

13.12.2019 Colloquium: Dr. Philipp Seib, Silk: Discovery thread for healthcare applications

Dr. Philipp Seib University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland Title: "Silk: Discovery thread for healthcare applications" December, 13, 2019, 14:00, MBC Seminar Room more »

06.12.2019 Colloquium Prof. Dr. Felix H. Schacher, Polyampholytes as Versatile Materials in "Catch and Release" Applications

Prof. Dr. Felix H. SchacherFriedrich Schiller University, Jena"Polyampholytes as Versatile Materials in "Catch and Release" Applications"December, 06, 2019, 10:00, B1 more »

05.12.2019 Colloquium: Dr. Sergey V. Antonov, Adhesives based on modified epoxy resins

Dr. Sergey V. Antonov; A.V.TopchievInstitute of Petrochemical Synthesis Russian Academy of Science, Moscow;Title: "Adhesives based on modified epoxy resins"December, 5, 2019, 14:00, Konferenzsaal more »

28.11.2019 Colloquium: Dr. Axel Lubk, Transmission Electron Microscopy - From quantum states to 3D electromagnetic fields and back

Dr. Axel Lubk Leibniz-Institut für Festkörper- und Werkstoffforschung (IFW) Dresden Title: Transmission Electron Microscopy - From quantum states to 3D electromagnetic fields and back November, 28, 2019, 13:00, … more »

25.11.2019 Colloquium: Dr. Monalisa Garai, Plasmon Enhanced Photoluminescence of Metal Nanoparticles and Monolayer MoS2 Studied by Single Particle Spectroscopy

Dr. Monalisa Garai National University of Singapore, Dept. of Chemistry title: "Plasmon Enhanced Photoluminescence of Metal Nanoparticles and Monolayer MoS2 Studied by Single Particle … more »

18.11.2019 Colloquium: Dr. Alessia Besford, The Biomolecular Corona at the Bio-Nano Interface – Opportunities and Challenges

Dr. Alessia BesfordLeibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung e. V. Dresden, GermanyInstitut Biofunktionelle Polymerforschung"The Biomolecular Corona at the Bio-Nano Interface – Opportunities and … more »

15.11.2019 Colloquium Dr. Munish Chanana, Physical and Chemical Wood Modification: From Fundamental to Applied Science

Dr. Munish Chanana ETH Zürich, Institute of Building Materials, Wood Materials Science Physical and Chemical Wood Modification: From Fundamental to Applied Science November, 15, 2019, 10:00, Konferenzsaal more »

12.11.2019 Colloquium: Dr. Artur Erbe, Electrical contacting and characterization of self-organized nanowires“

Dr. Artur Erbe Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf Electrical contacting and characterization of self-organized nanowires November, 12, 2019, 10:00, Conference Hall more »

08.11.2019 Colloquium: Mikko Kanerva, Solutions for advanced composites of bio-economy and related numerical simulation challenges

Mikko KanervaTampere University FinlandTitel:"Solutions for advanced composites of bio-economy and related numerical simulation challenges"November, 8, 2019, 10:00, Max-Bergmann-Zentrum more »

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