

11.11.2015 Colwyn-Medaille für Professor Gert Heinrich

Ehrung für herausragende Leistungen für die Gummibranche more »

02.11.2015 EU-Projekt LASER4FUN gestartet

Mit Laser-basierter Oberflächenstrukturierung zu innovativen Materialien more »

28.10.2015 A collaborative study on proliferative, morphological and physical differences of human hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells when cultured on human versus murine mesenchymal stroma cells was published in Scientific Reports (Jens Friedrichs contributing)

Scientific Reports 5:15680 more »

22.10.2015 CHIMIA - International Journal for Chemistry reports on the TEDD Annual Meeting at ZHAW Waedenswil 22 October 2015 where Carsten Werner has been invited to give a lecture.

more »

21.10.2015 New findings on the impact of heparin sulfation patterns in biohybrid hydrogels on VEGF delivery, angiogenesis and dermal wound healing were reported in the Journal of Controlled Release (Andrea Zieris and Uwe Freudenberg joint first authors).

Journal of Controlled Release 220 (2015) 79-88 more »

12.10.2015 Book on hyperbranched polymers published by Albena Lederer from IPF together with Walther Burchard (Freiburg)

Recently published book Hyperbranched Polymers: Macromolecules in between Deterministic Linear Chains and Dendrimer Structures Authors: Albena Lederer and Walther Burchard Description:There is great commercial … more »

02.10.2015 Opinion leaders from all over the world met at the Engineering Life Symposium 2015 'Synthetic Biology meets Bioinspired Materials' in Dresden.

The Engineering Life Conference 2015, jointly organized by the B CUBE Center for Molecular Bioengineering at TU Dresden and the Max Bergmann Center of Biomaterials at the Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden … more »

01.10.2015 Dr. Alexander Hoppe receives Outstanding Thesis Award 2014

Dr. Alexander Hoppe receives the Outstanding Biomaterials Thesis Award 2014 for his PhD thesis 'Bioactive Glass Derived Scaffolds with Therapeutic Ion Releasing Capability for Bone Tissue Engineering' completed at the … more »

19.09.2015 Benjamin Newland receives one of the Dresden Barkhausen Young Scientist Award for his poster ‘Homopolymerization of di-vinyl monomers for new "knot" structured polymer materials’.

The Dresden Barkhausen Award is granted for outstanding scientific results in applied research and development at frontier areas between physics, materials science, and electrical engineering by the Materials Research … more »

17.09.2015 Barkhausen Colloquium and Awards

Barkhausen-KolloquiumDresden, September 17, 2015 The INternational Dresden Barkhausen Award and two Young Scientists Awards will be handed over. Programm more »

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