

24.06.2016 Visit of the delegation of Wenzhou Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone on June 03, 2016

The delegation group consisting of four officers from Wenzhou, China, had a constructive meeting with Carsten Werner on the first Friday in June. The chinese guests introduced their planning and goals of the Wenzhou … more »

22.06.2016 New Biotechnology and Biomedicine Center of the Czech Academy of Sciences and Charles University Prague in Vestec (BIOCEV)

Carsten Werner joined the International Scientific Advisory Board of the newly founded center and gave a lecture on Cell-Instructive Polymer Matrices at the Opening Ceremony/ First Scientific Conference of BIOCEV on … more »

17.06.2016 Frontiers in Biomaterial Science: 2nd International Symposium of the Transregio 67, June 24-25, 2016 in Leipzig

Study center of the Leipzig UniversityLiebigstraße 2704103 LeipzigGermany Conference websiteProgramm more »

14.06.2016 MedTech Summit in Nürnberg, June 15-16, 2016

Medizin Innovativ - MedTech Summit 2016 is an international congress for the medical and health care sector. In high-level lectures and an accompanying exhibition innovative solutions and good practices will be … more »

13.06.2016 CRTD Symposium on "Advanced Materials & Technologies" on June 20, 2016

We will be hosting the next CRTD RAC F Symposium on "Advanced Materials & Technologies" on June 20, 4-6 pm. We are looking foreward to meeting you there! Location: CRTD / DFG-Center for Regenerative … more »

10.06.2016 Polymere zum Staunen - Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften am IPF

Zu einer Entdeckungsreise auf den Spuren der Polymere und Kunststoffmaterialien lädt das Leibniz-Institut für Polymer­forschung Dresden e. V. (IPF) zur Dresdner Langen Nacht der Wissenschaften am 10. Juni 2016, die … more »

08.06.2016 IPF team at the 10th World Biomaterials Congress in Montreal, Canada, May 17-22, 2016

With four lectures and 14 poster presentations the IPF team was highly visible at the World Biomaterials Congress 2016, the globally largest gathering of Biomaterial Researchers (> 4000 participants), that took place … more »

30.05.2016 Förderpreis der Deutschen Kautschuk-Gesellschaft e.V. (DKG) an Dr. Debdipta Basu

Herr Dr.-Ing. Debdipta Basu erhielt für seine mit Auszeichnung (summa cum laude) verteidigte Dissertation „Role of zinc containing compounds in nitrile rubber based micro- and nanocomposites“ den Förderpreis der … more »

10.05.2016 Seminar "Kunststoffrecycling in Sachsen"

Dienstag, 10. Mai, 9:00 - 17:00 Uhr Weitere Informationen zum Download. more »

02.05.2016 Leibniz-Newsletter 3/2016

Die Leibniz-Gemeinschaft hat die dritte Ausgabe ihres anlässlich des Leibniz-Themenjahres "die beste der möglichen Welten" erscheinenden Newsletters veröffentlicht: Newsletter "die beste der möglichen … more »

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