Lab News

- 03/18 - Congrats to Sandra! Her paper: 'Analyzing the antiseptic capacity of silver-functionalized poly(ethylene glycol)–heparin hydrogels after human whole blood exposure' is published in Biomaterials Science
- 02/18 - Collaborative work on MreB filaments orientation with the labs of Ethan Garner, Jan Löwe and Ariel Amir is published in eLife
- Sandra's manuscript on the antiseptic efficacy of silver-loaded PEG gels is accepted at Biomaterials Science
- 01/18 - Jenna's work on the growth of archaeal cells made the cover of Nature Microbiology
- 01/18 - Lars is invited to talk about our work at the Biochemisches Kolloquium at the Leipzig University
- 01/18 - Julia's work on a new methodology to assess the influence of the matrix effects during mass spectrometry measurements of complex urine samples was accepted by the Journal of Chromatography A
- 12/17 - Jenna's paper: 'Archaeal cells share common size control with bacteria despite noisier growth and division' is published online with an accompanying blog entry
- 12/17 - We represented the Leibniz Institute and the bioengineering BIOPOLIS of the TU Dresden at the '3. Sächsisch-Tschechischer Innovationstag' in Prague (Verbindungsbüro der Staatskanzlei Sachsen)
- 10/17 - Collaborative work on the growth of Halobacterium salinarum with Ethan Garner's and Ariel Amir's lab was accepted by Nature Microbiology - congrats to Jenna!
- 09/17 - Susann defends her master thesis - congrats!
- 08/17 - Read our cover story on Nature Microbiology
- Felix wrote a summary on our work in a Behind the Paper piece
- 07/17 - Our manuscript 'Mechanical strain sensing implicated in cell shape recovery in Escherichia coli' with Felix, Sven, Gizem and Ariel was accepted by Nature Microbiology
- 02/17 - Final version of our manuscript on the detection of ESKAPE species is published at AEM
- 12/16 - Our manuscript on a portable device for the detection of pathogens gets some press
- 12/16 - Together with Ariel Amir, Ethan Garner, Ulrich Gerland and Sven van Teeffelen, Lars receives funding from the Volkswagen Foundation through a Life? grant (Project Description)
- 11/16 - Olga joins to lab to work on bacterial cell wall
- 11/16 - Our manuscript on the detection of ESKAPE bacterial species on a portable device was accepted by Applied Environmental Microbiology
- 10/16 - Lucas Möbes is exploring microstructuring of surfaces
- 10/16 - Tina Ramberg is learning how to combine microfabrication and microbiology
- 09/16 - Susann Bobe is joining the lab to work on bacterial cell shape
- 07/13/15 - graduate student Emmanouil is joining the lab
- 06/06/15 - Manuscript 'Evaluation of the Matrix Effect of Different Sample Matrices for 33 Pharmaceuticals by Postcolumn Infusion' was accepted by the Journal of Chromatography B
- 04/09/15 - Manuscript on 'A simple two-step silane-based (bio-) receptor molecule immobilization without additional binding site passivation' was accepted by RCS Advances
- 10/13/14 - Lab starts at the Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden and the Max-Bergmann Center for Biomaterials as an associated Research Group in the Institute of Biofunctional Polymer Materials (Prof. Dr. Carsten Werner)