
Microbiology and Microfabs



03/18 - Sandra's paper on the antiseptic capacity of silver-loaded hydrogels in blood contact is published in Biomaterials Science

03/18 - Review on 'Recent advances in understanding how rod-like bacteria stably maintain their cell shapes' (F1000 Reviews)

02/18 - Collaborative work on MreB filaments orientation with the labs of Ethan Garner, Jan Löwe and Ariel Amir is published in eLife

01/18 - Our collaborative work with Ariel, Ethan and Amy is the cover story in the new issue of Nature Microbiology

01/18 - Julia's manuscript on Matrix Effects was accepted by Journal of Chromatography A, congrats!


12/17 - Read paper on archaea division and growth here

12/17 - We represented the Leibniz Institute and the bioengineering BIOPOLIS at the '3. Sächsisch-Tschechischer Innovationstag' in Prague (Verbindungsbüro der Staatskanzlei Sachsen)

10/17 - Our Collaborative work on the growth of Halobacterium salinarum with Ethan Garner's and Ariel Amir's lab was accepted by Nature Microbiology - congrats to Jenna!

09/17 - Susann successfully defends her master thesis project

08/17 - Our manuscript is the cover story in the new issue of Nature Microbiology

07/17 - Our manuscript on mechanical strain sensing in E. coli is published by Nature Microbiology


12/16 - Volkswagen funding Life? (Project description)

12/16 - Paper on Point-of-care diagnostics published in Applied Environmental Microbiology

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Lab Members


Dr.-Ing. Lars Renner
Group Leader

Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden e.V. and the Max-Bergmann Center of Biomaterials
Hohe Strasse 6
01069 Dresden

Phone: +49-351-4658-787
Email: renner(at)