Breuer, K. ; Spickenheuer, A. ; Stommel, M.
Statistical analysis of mechanical stressing in short fiber reinforced composites by means of statistical and representative volume elements more
Fibers 9 (2021) 32
Günther, F. ; Stommel, M.
Mesoscale surface structures in CFRP-metal-hybrid joints - aspects of design and manufacturing more
Springer (2021) 267-278
Pornhagen, D. ; Schneider, K. ; Stommel, M.
Material parametrization of natural rubber based compound and characterization of crack propagation under consideration of dissipative effects more
Journal of Rubber Research 24 (2021) 201-209
Zimmerer, C. ; Putzke, S. ; Reinhardt, M. ; Janke, A. ; Stommel, M. ; Hofinger, J. ; Simon, F.
Bioinspirierte Metallisierung von Polyolefinen more
Kunststoffe (2021)
Sambale, A. K. ; Stanko, M. ; Emde, J. ; Stommel, M.
Characterisation and FE modelling of the sorption and swelling behaviour of polyamide 6 in water more
Polymers 13 (2021) 1480
Gahlen, P. ; Fröbel, S. ; Karbach, A. ; Gabriel, D. ; Stommel, M.
Experimental multi-scale approach to determine the local mechanical properties of foam base material in polyisocyanurate metal panels more
Polymer Testing 93 (2021) Article Number: 106965
Euchler, E. ; Bernhardt, R. ; Schneider, K. ; Heinrich, G. ; Tada, T. ; Wießner, S. ; Stommel, M.
Cavitation in rubber vulcanizates subjected to constrained tensile deformation more
Advances in Polymer Science (2020) 1-22
Dedova, S. ; Schneider, K. ; Stommel, M. ; Heinrich, G.
Dissipative heating, fatigue and fracture behavior of rubber under multiaxial loading more
Advances in Polymer Science (2020) 1-23
Rouhana, R. ; Stommel, M.
Modelling and experimental investigation of hexagonal nacre-like structure stiffness more
Journal of Composites Science 4 (2020) 91
Kriwet, A. ; Stommel, M.
Arbitrary-reconsidered-double-inclusion (ARDI) model to describe the anisotropic, viscoelastic stiffness and damping of short fiber-reinforced thermoplastics more
Journal of Composites Science 37 (2020) 37