
Curriculum Vitae

1986 born in Dresden
2005-2010study of chemistry, Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg
27.09.2010diploma in chemistry at TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Department of Physical Chemistry, thesis: Herstellung von Schichten poröser Koordinationspolymere zum Einsatz in der Chromatographie (Preparation of films of porous coordination polymers for chromatographic applications)
2010-2013PhD-studies in physical chemistry, TU Bergakademie Freiberg
05.11.2013 PhD-defense, Dr. rer. nat., thesis: Physikochemische Untersuchung der Analyt-HKUST-1 Wechselwirkung unter Verwendung der inversen Gaschromatographie (Physico- chemical Investigation of the analyt-HKUST-1 interaction using the inverse gas chromatography), more 
2010-2014 scientific coworker at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Departament of Physical Chemistry
since May 2014scientist at the Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e.V., Department of Nanostructured Materials


German Chemical Society (GDCh)

Peer Review Activities

Reviewer for Coatings, Materials, Nanomaterials, Polymers, Molecules, Carbonhydrate Polymers, Macromolecular Materials and Engineeering, Advanced Functional Materials, Langmuir, Macromolecules, Small.