

07.06.2018 Kolloquium: Prof. Zhengwei Mao, Supramolecular polymer-based nanomedicine for multimodal cancer therapy

Prof. Zhengwei MaoZhejiang University, Hangzhou, ChinaTitle: "Supramolecular polymer-based nanomedicine for multimodal cancer therapy"June, 7, 2018, 13:00, Konferenzsaal mehr »

07.06.2018 Kolloquium: Prof. Kim R. Williams, Beyond molecular weight analysis: The developing story of thermal field-flow fractionation

Prof. Kim R. WilliamsColorado School of Mines, Dept. of Chemistry, Golden, USA Title: "Beyond molecular weight analysis: The developing story of thermal field-flow fractionation"June, 7, 2018, 09:30, … mehr »

06.06.2018 Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Reinhard Hentschke, Dynamic moduli of elastomer nano-composites via molecular and analytical modelling

Prof. Dr. Reinhard HentschkeBergische Universität Wuppertal, Theoretische Chemische PhysikTitle: "Dynamic moduli of elastomer nano-composites via molecular and analytical modelling"June, 6, 2018, 13:00, … mehr »

04.06.2018 Kolloquium: Prof. Nikhil Kumar Singha, Functional polymers via controlled radical polymerization and ‘Click’ Chemistry

Prof. Nikhil Kumar SinghaIndian Institute of Technology, Rubber Technology Centre, Kharagpur, India Title: "Functional polymers via controlled radical polymerization and ‘Click’ Chemistry"June, 4, 2018, 11:00, … mehr »

31.05.2018 Kolloquium: Dr. Suzanne Morsch, AFM-IR Insights into Epoxy Resin Nanostructure

Dr. Suzanne MorschCorrosion and Protection Centre, School of Materials, The University of Manchester;Titel: "AFM-IR Insights into Epoxy Resin Nanostructure"May 31, 2018, 13:00, Konferenzsaal mehr »

28.05.2018 Kolloquium: Ass. Prof. Benjamin A Evans, Structured magnetic nanoparticle composites for enhanced magnetic manipulation of soft polymers

Ass. Prof. Benjamin A EvansElon University, Physics and Engineering, USATitle: "Structured magnetic nanoparticle composites for enhanced magnetic manipulation of soft polymers"May, 28, 2018, 14:30, … mehr »

28.05.2018 Kolloquium: Ass. Prof. Olin Thompson Mefford IV, Integrated approach for the fabrication of multifunctional metal and metal oxide nanoparticles: Particles, Polymers, and Potential

Ass. Prof. Olin Thompson Mefford IVClemson University; Dep. of Materials Science and Engineering, USATitle: "Integrated approach for the fabrication of multifunctional metal and metal oxide nanoparticles: … mehr »

23.05.2018 Kolloquium: Dr. Lucas Schirmer, Macroporous annealed hydrogels in dermal healing

Dr. Lucas SchirmerDuke University, USATitle: "Macroporous annealed hydrogels in dermal healing"May, 23, 2018, 11:00, Konferenzsaal mehr »

17.05.2018 Kolloquium: Dr. Pierre Lorenz, Engineering of surfaces and thin layer systems by laser, electron and ion beam

Dr. Pierre LorenzLeibniz-Institut für Oberflächenmodifizierung e.V., LeipzigTitle: "Engineering of surfaces and thin layer systems by laser, electron and ion beam"May, 17, 2018, 13:30, Seminarraum, … mehr »

19.04.2018 Kolloquium: Dr. Hans-Georg Braun, No polymers please! Self organized non polymeric peptide structure

Dr. Hans-Georg BraunLeibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e. V., Institut Biofunktionelle PolymermaterialienTitle: … mehr »

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