

08.01.2015 Evening Seminars Archive

January 8:Dominik Hahn:Photopattering of Multifunctional in situ hydrogels to demand cell growth and cell fate decisionsNatalie Haustein:Microfluidic alignment and trapping of silicon nanowires for the fabrication of … mehr »

18.12.2014 Dec. 18: Qiyun Tang, Physical aging in ultrathin polymer films: A molecular simulation study

Qiyun TangInstitut für Theoretische Physik, Georg-August Universität GöttingenTitel: „Physical aging in ultrathin polymer films: A molecular simulation study”Dec. 18, 2014, 14:00, Seminarraum, WG mehr »

17.12.2014 Dec. 17: Weihai Zhang, Inorganic-organic hybrid polymers application in the low dielectric and superhydrophobic

Weihai ZhangMPI MainzTitel: "Inorganic-organic hybrid polymers application in the low dielectric and superhydrophobic"Dec. 17, 2014, 15:00, Konfernzsaal mehr »

11.12.2014 Dec. 11: Kyrylo Greben, Characterization and modification of potential bioelectronic interfaces

Kyrylo GrebenInstitute of Complex Systems/Peter Grünberg Institute: BioelectronicsTitel: „Characterization and modification of potential bioelectronic interfaces”Dec. 11, 2014, 11:00, Seminarraum Max-Bergmann-Zentrum mehr »

08.12.2014 Dec. 8: Dipl.-Phys. Matthias Arras, Controlling and unterstanding the arrengement of carbon nanotubes in polymer nanocomposites

Dipl.-Phys. Matthias ArrasFriedrich Schiller University JenaTitel: „Controlling and unterstanding the arrengement of carbon nanotubes in polymer nanocomposites”Dec. 8, 2014, 15:00, Seminarraum WG mehr »

03.12.2014 Dec. 3: Dr. Peter Lang, Near wall properties of colloids studied by evanescent wave scattering

Dr. Peter LangForschungszentrum Jülich GmbHTitel: „Near wall properties of colloids studied by evanescent wave scattering”Dec. 3, 2014, 10:00, Konferenzsaal mehr »

28.11.2014 Nov. 28: Prof. Dr. Akihiko Tanioka, High Speed Production System of Nanofibers and their Applications

Prof. Dr. Akihiko TaniokaDept. of Organic and Polymeric Materials, Tokyo Inst. of TechnologyTitel: „High Speed Production System of Nanofibers and their Applications”Nov. 28, 2014, 10:00, Seminarraum, … mehr »

28.11.2014 Nov. 28: Prof. Dr. Eng. Hidetoshi Matsumoto, Electrospun Nanofibers for Energy and Environmental Applications

Prof. Dr. Eng. Hidetoshi MatsumotoDept. of Organic and Polymeric Materials, Tokyo Inst. of TechnologyTitel: „Electrospun Nanofibers for Energy and Environmental Applications”Nov. 28, 2014, 10:00, Seminarraum, … mehr »

20.11.2014 Nov. 20: Dr. Susanne Boye, „Seven at one stroke - What are the possibilities in analysis of multicomponent, biopolymer systems?”

Dr. Susanne BoyeIPF Dresden, Institut Makromolekulare Chemie, Abteilung AnalytikTitel: „Seven at one stroke - What are the possibilities in analysis of multicomponent, biopolymer systems?”Nov. 20, 2014, 14:00, … mehr »

14.11.2014 Nov. 14: Dr. Philipp Seib, „Polymers for drug delivery and tissue engineering”

Dr. Philipp SeibStrathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Science, University of Strathclyde, UKTitel: „Polymers for drug delivery and tissue engineering”Nov. 14, 2014, 10:00, Konferenzsaal mehr »

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