- 23.06.2009 June 23: Ivan Krakovsky, Nanophase separated structure of epoxy hydrogels
Dr. Ivan KrakovskyCharles University, Dept. of Macromol. Physics, PragNanophase separated structure of epoxy hydrogels investigated by Small-angle Neutron ScatteringJune 23,2009, 14:00 , Konferenzsaal mehr »
- 19.06.2009 June 19: Guido Wilke, Quellung von PP+EPDM Filmen
Prof. Dr. Guido WilkeHochschule EsslingenQuellung von PP+EODM Filmen durch LacklösemittelJune 19,2009, 11:00 , Konferenzsaal mehr »
- 18.06.2009 June 18: S. Richard Turner, Alternating Copolymerization of Substituted Stilbenes
Prof. Dr. S. Richard TurnerDirector Macromolecules and Interfaces Institute, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, USAAlternating Copolymerization of Substituted Stilbenes to New Precisely Functionalized PolymersJune 18,2009, … mehr »
- 12.06.2009 June 12: S. Richard Turner, New Polysulfones and Polyesters
Prof. Dr. S. Richard TurnerDirector Macromolecules and Interfaces Institute, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, USANew Polysulfones and Polyesters with Enhanced PropertiesJune 12,2009, 10:00 , Konferenzsaal mehr »
- 11.06.2009 June 11: Rajib Schubert, Multivalent Cell Binding Peptides
Rajib SchubertColumbia University, New York, USAMultivalent Cell Binding Peptides for Small Diameter Vascular GraftsJune 11,2009, 14:00 , Seminarraum MBZ mehr »
- 04.06.2009 June 4: Petr Formanek, Principles of Transmission ....
Dr. Petr FormanekIPF Dresden e.V., Abt. Nanostrukturierte MaterialienPrinciples of Transmission Electron MicroscopyJune 4, 2009, 10:00, Konferenzsaal mehr »
- 03.06.2009 June 3: Ines Kühnert, Montagespritzgießen
Dr.-Ing. Ines KühnertFriedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Lehrstuhl für KunststofftechnikMontagespritzgießen: Grenzflächeneffekte und ProzessführungJune 3,2009, 10:00 , Konferenzsaal mehr »
- 26.05.2009 May 26: Andreas Taubert, Bioinspired calcium phosphate/polymer composites
Ass. Prof. Andreas TaubertUniversity of Potsdam, GolmBioinspired calcium phosphate/polymer composites: why not look at polycations? May 26,2009, 15:30 , Seminarraum Biogebäude mehr »
- 25.05.2009 May 25: Douglas B. Weibel, Dissecting the Origins of Emergent Behaviour
Prof. Dr. Douglas B. WeibelUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, USADissecting the Origins of Emergent Behaviour in Populations of BacteriaMay 25,2009, 14:00 , Konferenzsaal mehr »
- 25.05.2009 May 25: Alexey V. Lyulin, Computer Modelling of Polymer Glass Transition
Ass. Prof. Dr. Alexey V. LyulinEindhoven University of Technology, Theory of Polymers and Soft Matter (TPS)Computer Modelling of Polymer Glass Transition in Bulk and Thin FilmsMay 25,2009, 09:30, Konferenzsaal mehr »
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