

16.11.2009 November 16: P. Pissis, Glass transition and polymer dynamics

Prof. P. PissisNational Technical University of Athens, Department of Physics, Zografou Campus, Athens, GreeceGlass transition and polymer dynamics in polymer nanocompositesNovember 16,2009, 10:00 , Seminarraum … mehr »

12.11.2009 November 12: Sven Fleischmann, SET-LRP - a real living polymerization

Sven FleischmannRoy & Diana Vagelos Laboratories, Department of Chemistry, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USASET-LRP - a real living polymerization of acrylates and methacrylatesNovember 12,2009, 14:00 , … mehr »

11.11.2009 November 11: Maria Conceicao Paiva, Chemical Functionalization of Carbon Nanotubes

Dr. Maria Conceicao PaivaUniversity of Minho, Institute for Polymers and Composites/I3N, Guimaraes, PortugalChemical Functionalization of Carbon Nanotubes for the Dispersion in Polymer MatricesNovember 11,2009, 13:00 , … mehr »

10.11.2009 Chantal David-Granat, Ximex - 3D Numerical Simulation of Mixing

Dr. Chantal David-GranatSciences Computers Consultants, St. Etienne, FranceXimeX - 3D Numerical Simulation of Mixing and Transport Processes in Polymer Processing DevicesNovember 10,2009, 13:00 , Konferenzsaal mehr »

06.11.2009 Ehrenkolloquium zum 60. Geburtstag von Prof. Manfred Stamm

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05.11.2009 November 5: Fathollah Varnik, Recent progress in understanding

Dr. hab. Fathollah VarnikRuhruniversität BochumRecent progress in understanding the fascinating world of small dropletsNovember 5,2009, 14:00 , Seminarraum Laborgebäude Biomaterialien mehr »

14.10.2009 October 14: Alexander Blumen, Dynamics of Flexible and Semiflexible

Prof. Alexander BlumenUniversität FreiburgDynamics of Flexible and Semiflexible Tree like NetworksOctober 14,2009, 13:00 , Seminarraum Werkstofflaborgebäude mehr »

09.10.2009 October 9: Sebastian Seiffert, Functional Microgels

Dr. Sebastian SeiffertHarvard University, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Gordon MC Kay Labaratory, Cambridge, USAFunctional Microgels Tailored by DropletMicrofluidicsOctober 9,2009, 11:00 , Seminarraum … mehr »

08.10.2009 October 8: Jorge Lacayo-Pineda, Die Krümelkunde und ....

Prof. Dr. Jorge Lacayo-PinedaContinental Reifen Deutschland GmbHDie Krümelkunde und das Sichtbarmachen eines alten Werkstoffs: GummiParticle Statistics and Visualisation of an Old Material: RubberOctober 8, 2009, 13:00, … mehr »

08.10.2009 October 8: Ecaterina Stela Dragan, Separation processes by ionic multicomponent systems

Dr. Ecaterina Stela DraganHead of the Fuctional Polymers Department, Petru Poni Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Iasi, RomaniaSeparation processes by ionic multicomponent systems based on natural and synthetic … mehr »

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