

04.08.2010 August 4: Maarten Biesheuvel, Polyelectrolytes in confined space:

Dr. Maarten BiesheuvelLaboratory of Physical Chemistry and Colloid Science, Wageningen UniversityPolyelectrolytes in confined space: research highlights from Golm and Wageningen, or How polymer theory can do more than … mehr »

26.07.2010 July 26: Wenbing Hu, Interplay of polymer phase transitions ...

Wenbing HuNanjing University, Department of Polymer Science and EngineeringInterplay of polymer phase transitions in multi-component systemsJuly 26, 11:00, Seminarraum Werkstoffgebäude mehr »

08.07.2010 July 8: Thomas Oates, Metal nanoparticles in/or polymer ....

Dr. Thomas OatesLeibniz-Institut für Analytische Wissenschaften, ISAS BerlinMetal nanoparticles in/on polymer thin films studied by spectroscopic ellipsometryJuly 8, 1010, 14:00, Konferenzsaal mehr »

06.07.2010 July 6: Alexei Likhtman, Hierarchical modeling of entangle Polymers

Alexei LikhtmanUniversity of Reading, Department of MathematicsHierarchical modeling of entangled PolymersJuly 6, 2010, 10:00, Konferenzsaal mehr »

30.06.2010 June 30: Christine Papadakis, Structural Changes of Block Copolymer ...

Prof. Christine PapadakisTU München, Physikdepartment E13Structural Changes of Block Copolymers Thin Films in Solvent VaporJune 30, 2010, 14:00, Konferenzsaal mehr »

23.06.2010 June 23: Sandra Martinka, Antragstellung im 7.EU-Forschungsrahmen.....

Sandra MartinkaIPF Dresden e.V., Abt. Forschungsplanung/ -koordinierungAntragstellung im 7. EU-Forschungsrahmenprogramm mit Fokus auf "NMP-Nanotechnologie, Werkstoffe und Produktion" (offizielle … mehr »

08.06.2010 June 8: Aurelio Mateo, Fullerenes: Multitask Components ....

Dr. Aurelio MateoFreiburg Institute for Advanced Studies - FRIAS, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität FreiburgFullerenes: Multitask Components in Molecular MachineryJune 8, 2010, 14:00, Konferenzsaal mehr »

03.06.2010 June 3: Antonio Stocco, Amphiphilic Polymers, Nanoparticles ....

Dr. Antonio StoccoMax-Planck Institute of Colloids and InterfacesAmphiphilic Polymers, Nanoparticles and Polymer @ NPs at the water surfaceJune 3, 2010, 13:00, Seminarraum Laborgebäude mehr »

03.06.2010 June 3: Susanta Banerjee, Synthesis and Characterization of new ...

Prof. Susanta BanerjeeMaterials Science Centre, Indian Intitute of Technology Kharagpur, IndiaSynthesis and Characterization of New Semifluorinated Aromatic Poly(ether amide)s for Pervaporation ApplicationJune 3, 2010, … mehr »

27.05.2010 May 27: Dr. Bhanu Nandan, Supramolecular assemblies of block copolymers

Dr. Bhanu NandanIPF Dresden e. V., Abteilung Nanostrukturierte MaterialienSupramolecular assemblies of block copolymersMay 27, 2010, 14:00, Konferenzsaal mehr »

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