

22.08.2017 August 22: Sebastian Mayer, Anwendung von Mikro-Adsorbentien zur Entfernung von Halb- und Schwermetallionen aus Trinkwasser

Sebastian MayerTU München, Arbeitsgruppe WassertechnologieTitel: "Anwendung von Mikro-Adsorbentien zur Entfernung von Halb- und Schwermetallionen aus Trinkwasser"August, 22, 2017, 13:00, Konferenzsaal mehr »

28.07.2017 July 28: Dr. Laura Bray, Development of three dimensional culture models to study cancer development and metastasis

Dr. Laura BrayInstitute of Health and Biomedical Innovation, Queensland University, Australia Title: "Development of three dimensional culture models to study cancer development and metastasis"July, 28, 2017, … mehr »

24.07.2017 July 24: Dr. Alexander Alexeev, Understanding micromechanics of microgels using mesoscale simulations

Dr. Alexander AlexeevGeorgia Institute of Technology, George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering, Atlanta, USATitel: "Understanding micromechanics of microgels using mesoscale simulations"July, 24, … mehr »

18.07.2017 July, 18: Prof. Petrik Galvosas, Shear banding and structural transitions in complex fluids as studied with Rheo-NMR

Prof. Petrik GalvosasVictoria University of Wellington, New Zealand Titel: "Shear banding and structural transitions in complex fluids as studied with Rheo-NMR"July, 18, 2017, 10:00, Konfrenzsaal mehr »

13.07.2017 July 13: Dr. Günter Scholz, Die Welt des Thermoplastischen Polyurethans

Dr. Günter ScholzBASF Polyurethanes GmbH, A 30, LemfoerdeTitel: "Die Welt des Thermoplastischen Polyurethans"July, 13, 2017, 10:00, Seminarraum, Max-Bergmann-Zentrum mehr »

11.07.2017 July 11: Ass. Prof. Umesh Gupta, Multi-functional Nano-therapeutic Systems for the Advanced Cancer and Other Disorders

Ass. Prof. Umesh GuptaCentral University of Rajasthan, Department of Pharamacy, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh, IndiaTitle: "Multi-functional Nano-therapeutic Systems for the Advanced Cancer and Other Disorders" July, … mehr »

30.06.2017 June, 30: Manuel Morais, Alignment of carbon nanoparticles in composites with electric fields

Manuel MoraisFraunhofer ICT, Polymer Engineering - Nanotechnology, PfinztalTitle: "Alignment of carbon nanoparticles in composites with electric fields"June, 30, 2017, 10:00, Konferenzsaal mehr »

27.06.2017 June 27: Prof. Walther Burchard, Light Scattering on the Test–Bench

Prof. Walther BurchardAlbert-Ludwigs University of Freiburg, Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, FreiburgTitle: "Light Scattering on the Test–Bench; Part I: Effects of Excluded Volume Interaction; Part II: … mehr »

23.06.2017 June 23: Prof. Katherina Fernández Elgueta, Development of an aerogel based on graphene oxide (GO) and Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) with potential of transdermal use

Prof. Katherina Fernández ElguetaUniversity of Concepción, ChileTitle: "Development of an aerogel based on graphene oxide (GO) and Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) with potential of transdermal use"June, 23, 2017, … mehr »

21.06.2017 June 21: Ass. Prof. Angela K. Pannier, Improving Nonviral Gene Delivery for Medical Applications through Chemical and Physical Priming of Cells

Ass. Prof. Angela K. PannierUniversity of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, USATitle: "Improving Nonviral Gene Delivery for Medical Applications through Chemical and Physical Priming of Cells"June, 21, 2017, 13:30, … mehr »

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