- 21.03.2019 Colloquium: Ass. Prof. Erik Walinda, "Probing protein unfolding and aggregation by rheological NMR spectroscopy and atomistic simulations"
Ass. Prof. Erik WalindaGraduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University"Probing protein unfolding and aggregation by rheological NMR spectroscopy and atomistic simulations"March 21, 2019, 10:00, Seminarrraum … mehr »
- 13.03.2019 Colloquium: Dr. Adam Kiersnowski, "Tailoring crystallinity of polymers for applications in flexible electroactive and semiconducting materials"
Dr. Adam KiersnowskiIPF, Mechanik und Verbundwerkstoffe "Tailoring crystallinity of polymers for applications in flexible electroactive and semiconducting materials" March 13, 2019, 10:00, Konferenzsaal mehr »
- 12.03.2019 Colloquium: Prof. Tatsiana Savitskaya, "Polyelectrolyte complexes and composites of water soluble alkali metal salts of cellulose acetate sulfate (CAS) immobilized on the activated carbon"
Prof. Tatsiana SavitskayaBelarusian State University, Physical Chemistry Department"Polyelectrolyte complexes and composites of water soluble alkali metal salts of cellulose acetate sulfate (CAS) immobilized on the … mehr »
- 08.03.2019 Colloquium: Dr. Saikat Das Gupta, "Effect of silane coupling agent on silica based PCR tread compounds"
Dr. Saikat Das GuptaHASETRI - Chief Scientist - Vice President, India"Effect of silane coupling agent on silica based PCR tread compounds"March 8, 2019, 10:00, Konferenzsaal mehr »
- 05.03.2019 Colloquium: Prof. Ravikumar Majeti, "Next generation functional polyesters for biomedical applications"
Prof. Ravikumar Majeti Texas A&M University, College of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences "Next generation functional polyesters for biomedical applications"March 5, 2019, 15:30, … mehr »
- 04.03.2019 Colloquium: Linus Stegbauer, "Learning from nature: Investigation of the hybrid nano composites of the chiton tooth towards high-tech 3D-printable materials"
Dr. Linus StegbauerNorthwestern University, Evanston, USATitle: "Learning from nature: Investigation of the hybrid nano composites of the chiton tooth towards high-tech 3D-printable materials." mehr »
- 20.02.2019 Colloquium: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Weber, "Watching ions move: Scanning probe microscopy on perovskite solar cells"
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Stefan WeberMax-Planck-Institut für Polymerforschung "Watching ions move: Scanning probe microscopy on perovskite solar cells"February 20, 2019, 10:00, Konferenzsaal mehr »
- 29.01.2019 Colloquium: RNDr. Mgr. Ph.D. Jan Heyda, "Thermodynamics and electrophoresis in light of Molecular Dynamics simulations and theory of solutions"
RNDr. Mgr. Ph.D. Jan HeydaUniversity of Chemistry and Technology Prague, Department of Physical Chemistry"Thermodynamics and electrophoresis in light of molecular dynamics simulations and theory of … mehr »
- 25.01.2019 Colloquium: Prof. Dr. Frieder Mugele, "Charge generation at mineral-electrolyte interfaces: from microscopic ion adsorption to hydration and macroscopic wetting transitions"
Prof. Dr. Frieder MugeleUniversity of Twente, Physics of Complex Fluids"Charge generation at mineral-electrolyte interfaces: from microscopic ion adsorption to hydration and macroscopic wetting … mehr »
- 23.01.2019 Colloquium. Dr. Claudia Pacholski, "Soft colloidal lithography with hydrogel microgels: A chemical route to functional materials"
Dr. Claudia PacholskiUniversität Potsdam, Institut für Chemie"Soft colloidal lithography with hydrogel microgels: A chemical route to functional materials"January 23, 2019, 10:00, Konferenzsaal mehr »
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