

01.03.2013 März 1: Prof. Jianjun Wang,Anti-icing surfaces or construction and applications of superhydrophobic surfaces to condensed microdroplets

Prof. Jianjun WangBeijing National Laboratory for Molecular Sciences, Institute of Chemistry,Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, ChinaAnti-icing surfaces or construction and applications of superhydrophobic surfaces to … mehr »

15.02.2013 Februar 15: Dr. Francis Avilés, Strain and damage sensing in carbon nanotubes/polymer composites

Dr. Francis AvilésScientific Research Center of Yucatan (CICY), Materials Department, Yucatan, MexicoStrain and damage sensing in carbon nanotubes/polymer composites.Februar 15, 2013, 10:00, Konferenzsaal mehr »

14.02.2013 Februar 14: Prof. Marek Kosmulski, Surface charging and points of zero charge.

Prof. Marek KosmulskiUniversität Lublin, PolenSurface charging and points of zero charge.Februar 14, 2013, 10:00, Konferenzsaal mehr »

12.02.2013 February 12: Benjamin Newland, Biomaterial Approaches ....

Benjamin NewlandNetwork of Excellence for Biofunctional Biomaterials (NFB), National University of Ireland GalwayBiomaterial Approaches to Gene Therapies for Parkinson`s DiseaseFebruary 12, 2013, 15:00, Seminarraum … mehr »

12.02.2013 Februar 12: Francois Ganachaud, Recent developments in the field of ionic polymerization emulsions: old pot, best cooking.

Francois GanachaudDirecteur de Recherche CNRS, IMP@Lyon, FrankreichRecent developments in the field of ionic polymerization emulsions: old pot, best cooking.Februar 12, 2013, 15:00, Konferenzsaal mehr »

12.02.2013 Februar 12: Dr. Arnaud Vieyres, Strain-induced Crystallization, Reinforcement and Tear Resistance of Natural Rubber.

Dr. Arnaud VieyresRhodia Solvey Group, Saint Fons, Frankreich"Strain-induced Crystallization, Reinforcement and Tear Resistance of Natural Rubber."Februar 12, 2013, 10:00, Konferenzsaal mehr »

04.02.2013 4 Februar: Prof. Pentti Tengvall & Necati Harmankaya, Advanced Titanium Surfaces for Bone Applications

Prof. Pentti Tengvall & Necati HarmankayaUniversity of Gotheburg, Sahlgrenska Academy, Dept. of Biomaterials, Inst. Of Clinical Sciences, Göteburg, Schweden"Advanced Titanium Surfaces for Bone Applications."Februar 4, … mehr »

10.01.2013 Januar 10: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karl Schulte, New carbon based nano materials to be used in polymer matrices – outline from properties to application

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karl SchulteTechnische Universität Hamburg-Harburg, Institut M-11: Kunststoffe und Verbundwerkstoffe, HamburgNew carbon based nano materials to be used in polymer matrices – outline from properties to … mehr »

19.12.2012 December 19: Prof. Morgan Alexander: High Throughput Materials Discovery Adventures with Polymer Microarrays

Prof. Morgan AlexanderSchool of Pharmacy , The University of Nottingham, UK High Throughput  Materials Discovery Adventures with Polymer MicroarraysDecember 19, 2012, 14:00, Konferenzsaal mehr »

13.12.2012 December 13: Dr. Yulia Shulevich, Impact of lyophilizing power of polyelectrolytes on their interaction with oppositely charged surfactant and application of resultant complexes for wastewater treatment.

Dr. Yulia ShulevichVolgograd State Technical UniversityImpact of lyophilizing power of polyelectrolytes on their interaction with oppositely charged surfactant and application of resultant complexes for wastewater … mehr »

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