

16.01.2018 Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Michael Sommer, Tailoring polyaromatic structures for energy harvesting and sensing applications

Prof. Dr. Michael SommerTU ChemnitzTitle: "Tailoring polyaromatic structures for energy harvesting and sensing applications"January, 16, 2018, 13:30, Konferenzsaal mehr »

15.01.2018 Kolloquium: Ruslan Rust, Nogo-A inhibits vascular repair after ischemia

Ruslan RustUniversity of Zurich and Department of Health Sciences ETH Zurich, SwitzerlandTitle: "Nogo-A inhibits vascular repair after ischemia"January, 15, 2018, 10:30, Seminarraum, Max-Bergmann-Zentrum mehr »

09.01.2018 Kolloquium: Dr. Frank Sonntag, Micro physiological systems - a versatile tool for disease modeling, toxicological screening and personalized medicine

Dr. Frank Sonntag Fraunhofer-Institut für Werkstoff- und Strahltechnik Title: "Micro physiological systems - a versatile tool for disease modeling, toxicological screening and personalized medicine" January, … mehr »

08.12.2017 Dec 8: Prof. Dr. Herbert Baaser, Statisches und dynamisches Elastomer-Verhalten - Modellierung, Kalibrierung & Simulation

Prof. Dr. Herbert BaaserTechnische Hochschule Bingen, Professur für Technische MechanikTitle: "Statisches und dynamisches Elastomer-Verhalten - Modellierung, Kalibrierung & Simulation"December, 8, 2017, … mehr »

17.11.2017 Lectures: Nov 17: Prof. Dr. Alex Dommann; Prof. Dr. René Rossi; Dr. Katharina Maniura

Prof. Dr. Alex Dommann, Title: "Materials meet Life @ EMPA"Prof. Dr. René Rossi, Title: "Smart textiles for contiuous health Monitoring"Dr. Katharina Maniura, Title: "Design concepts for … mehr »

24.10.2017 Oct 24: Dr. Jacopo Ciambella, Magneto-elastic instabilities in soft-actuators

Dr. Jacopo CiambellaSapienza University of Rome, Department of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, Italy Title: "Magneto-elastic instabilities in soft-actuators"October, 24, 2017, 14:00, Seminarraum … mehr »

24.10.2017 Oct 24: Prof. Dr. Diethelm Johannsmann, Soft Interfaces Studied with the Quartz Crystal Microbalance

Prof. Dr. Diethelm JohannsmannTechnische Universität Clausthal, Institut für Physikalische ChemieTitle: "Soft Interfaces Studied with the Quartz Crystal Microbalance"October, 24, 2017, 13:00, Konferenzsaal mehr »

16.10.2017 Oct 16: Olivier Lafon, NMR of inorganic and hybrid materials

Olivier LafonEcole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Lille Cité Scientifique, Villeneuve d´Ascq, FranceTitle: "NMR of inorganic and hybrid materials"October, 16, 2017, 14:00, Konferenzsaal mehr »

04.10.2017 Oct 4: Prof. Dr.-mont. Zoltan Major, Design and Dimensioning of TPE Components by Various Experimental and Simulation Methods

Prof. Dr.-mont. Zoltan MajorJohannes-Kepler Universität, Institute of Polymer Product Engineering, Linz, AustriaTitle: "Design and Dimensioning of TPE Components by Various Experimental and Simulation … mehr »

25.09.2017 Sept 25: Dipl.-Phys. Jan Paskarbeit, Abstraction of Bioinspired Leg Coordination and its Application to a Hexapod Robot Under

Dipl.-Phys. Jan PaskarbeitUniversität Bielefeld, Cognitive Interaction Technology (CITEC)Title: "Abstraction of Bioinspired Leg Coordination and its Application to a Hexapod Robot Under"September, 25, 2017, … mehr »

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