

09.12.2010 December 9: Cindy Elschner, Influence of metallic objects ....

Cindy ElschnerIPF Dresden e.v., Abt. Polyelektrolyte und DispersionenInfluence of metallic objects on the quality of NMR imagesDecember 9, 2010, 14:00, Konferenzsaal mehr »

02.12.2010 December 2: Tilo Pompe, Auf rutschigem Untergrund: Kraftübertragung ....

Dr. Tilo PompeIPF Dresden e.V., Forschungsbereich Biofunktionelle Polymermaterialien am Max-Bergmann-ZentrumAuf rutschigem Untergrund: Kraftübertragung bei der Zelladhäsion an MaterialgrenzflächenOn slippery ground: … mehr »

30.11.2010 November 30: Marina Grenzer, Rheological and electrical properties ...

Dr. Marina GrenzerIPF Dresden e.V., Abt. Mechanik und StrukturRheological and electrical properties of CNT/polymer composites: experiment and modellingNovember 30, 2010, 14:00, Konferenzsaal(Hinweis: das Kolloquium … mehr »

09.11.2010 November 9: Dietmar W. Hutmacher, Biomaterials offer cancer research ...

Prof. Dr. Dietmar W. HutmacherQueensland University of Technology, Institute of Health and Biomedical InnovationBiomaterials offer cancer research the third dimensionNovember 9, 2010, 14:00, Seminarraum Biogebäude / MBC mehr »

18.10.2010 October 18: Nils Körger, How to build a glass house: ....

Dr. Nils KörgerSchool of Chemistry & Biochemistry, School of Materials Science & Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USAHow build a glass house: New insight into the mechanism of diatom silica … mehr »

12.10.2010 October 12: Vitaliy Datsyuk, Thermally conductive engineering materials ...

Dr. Vitaliy DatsyukFreie Universität Berlin, FB Physik, AG REICHThermally conductive engineering materials based on carbon nanotubesOctober 12, 2010, 13:30, Seminarraum Laborgebäude für Biomaterialien mehr »

17.09.2010 September 17: Brad Chmelka, Guest-Host Interactions ...

Prof. Brad ChmelkaDepartment of Chemical Engineering, University of CaliforniaGuest-Host Interactions in Self-Assembling Solutions and SolidsSeptember 17, 2010, 10:00, Konferenzsaal mehr »

30.08.2010 August 30: Masaya Yamamoto, Development for functional biomaterials ...

Dr. Masaya YamamotoInstitute for Frontier Medical Sciences, Kyoto University, JapanDevelopment of functional biomaterials to modulate cell behaviorsAugust 30, 2010, 11:00, Seminarraum Laborgebäude für Biomaterialien mehr »

16.08.2010 August 16: D. Lerche, Sedimentation and Konsolidierungsverhalten ...

Prof. Dr. LercheLUM GmbH, BerlinSedimentation and Konsolidierungsverhalten von Suspersionen im Zentrifugalfeld (Sedimentation and Consolidation behaviour of Suspensions in Centrifugal Fields)August 16, 2010, 09:00, … mehr »

04.08.2010 August 4: Maarten Biesheuvel, Polyelectrolytes in confined space:

Dr. Maarten BiesheuvelLaboratory of Physical Chemistry and Colloid Science, Wageningen UniversityPolyelectrolytes in confined space: research highlights from Golm and Wageningen, or How polymer theory can do more than … mehr »

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