

17.02.2011 February 17: Jens Gaitzsch, Photo cross-linked and ...

Jens GaitzschIPF Dresden e.V., Abt. PolymerstrukturenPhoto cross-linked and pH-sensitive polymersomes as nanoreactorsFebruary 17, 2011, 14:00, Seminarraum Laborgebäude für Biomaterialien mehr »

10.02.2011 February 10: Prof. Gilles Ausias, Mechanical properties of thermoplastics reinforced with natural fibres

Prof. Gilles AusiasUniversité de Bretagne-Sud (UBS), LIMATBMechanical properties of thermoplastics reinforced with natural fibresFebruary 10, 2011, 14:00, Seminarraum W-Gebäude mehr »

08.02.2011 February 8: Prof. Dr. Anatoli Darinskii, Computer simulation of complexes between branched macroions and linear polyelectrolytes

Prof. Dr. Anatoli DarinskiiInstitute of Macromolecular Compounds, Sankt Petersburg, RusslandComputer simulation of complexes between branched macroions and linear polyelectrolytesFebruary 8, 2011, 14:00, Seminarraum … mehr »

04.02.2011 February 4: Ines Herzenstiel, Material-related composition of urinary conditioning films and their effect on the bacterial adhesion

Ines HerzenstielBASF SE, LudwigshafenMaterial-related composition of urinary conditioning films and their effect on the bacterial adhesionFebruary 4, 2011, 10:00, Seminarraum Biogebäude/MBC mehr »

02.02.2011 February 2: Dr. Adriana Boschetti-de-Fierro, Nanostructured materials and its application as membranes

Dr. Adriana Boschetti-de-FierroGKSS-Forschungszentrum Geesthacht GmbHNanostructured materials and its application as membranesFebruary 2, 2011, 10:00, Konferenzsaal mehr »

20.01.2011 January 20: Asutosh Chilkoti, Protein-polymer .....

Prof. Ashutosh ChilkotiDuke University, Department of Biomedical Engineering, DurhamProtein-polymer conjugates for delivery of therapeuticsJanuary 20, 2011, 14:00, Seminarraum Laborgebäude Biomaterialien mehr »

13.01.2011 January 13: Marco Paolino, Innovative systems ...

Dr. Marco PaolinoUniversità degli Studi di Siena, Dipartimento Farmaco Chimico Tecnologico, Siena, ItalyInnovative systems in pharmaceutical fieldJanuary, 13, 11:00, Konferenzsaal mehr »

11.01.2011 January 11: Michel Al Samman, Method development ....

Michel Al SammanDKI DarmstadtMethod development in branched polymer separationJanuary 11, 2011, 10:30, Konferenzsaal mehr »

04.01.2011 January 26: Helmut Ritter, Cyclodextrine an Polymeren, ...

Prof. Helmut RitterHeinrich-Heine-Universität, Institut für Organische Chemie und Makromolekulare Chemie, DüsseldorfCyclodextrine an Polymeren, Dendrimeren und an OberflächenJanuary 26, 2011, 10:00, Konferenzsaal mehr »

09.12.2010 December 9: Cindy Elschner, Influence of metallic objects ....

Cindy ElschnerIPF Dresden e.v., Abt. Polyelektrolyte und DispersionenInfluence of metallic objects on the quality of NMR imagesDecember 9, 2010, 14:00, Konferenzsaal mehr »

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