As the five previous meeting held in Amsterdam, SCM-6 is trying to bring together a variety of scientists who share an interest in the separation and characterization of large molecules. The target audience includes specialists from analytical chemistry, polymer science, and life-science communities. SCM-6 creates a platform for scientists from diverging backgrounds and with different current perspectives to interact, to discuss subjects of mutual interest, and to discover new synergies.
The conference venue allows intensive dicussions between participants and exhibitors troughout the meeting.
Imaging techniques | Advanced materials |
Mass spectrometry | Biopolymers |
Molecules in bulk | Biopharmaceuticals |
NMR spectroscopy | Biomaterials |
Optical spectroscopy | Branched polymers |
Particle analysis | Cross-linked polymers |
Physical characterization | Drug excipinents |
Scattering techniques | Industrial polymers |
Separation methods | Macromolecules in food |
Spectroscopy | Polyelectrolytes |
Theory and modelling | Synthetic polymers |
Thermosets |