Registration fees
The registration fees will be EUR 280 (EUR 310 after June 30, 2009; including all conference materials, lunches, coffee breaks and social events).
Reduced fees of EUR 90 (EUR 120 after June 30, 2009) will be offered for students.
Early registration till June 30, 2009: CLICK HERE
Information on the procedure:
First step: Create your login to the system (i.e. give in your contact data and define username and password).
Second step: Submit contribution(s) and/or register yourself for the conference - either immediately after creating login or later, at any time before the respective deadlines, using your login data.
Important dates
Second announcement and call for papers: Dec. 2008
Abstract submission: (extended) till April 15, 2009
Early registration: (extended) till June 30, 2009
Payment of fees/Cancellation: August 31, 2009