

12.11.2019 Colloquium: Dr. Artur Erbe, Electrical contacting and characterization of self-organized nanowires“

Dr. Artur Erbe Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf Electrical contacting and characterization of self-organized nanowires November, 12, 2019, 10:00, Conference Hall mehr »

08.11.2019 Colloquium: Mikko Kanerva, Solutions for advanced composites of bio-economy and related numerical simulation challenges

Mikko KanervaTampere University FinlandTitel:"Solutions for advanced composites of bio-economy and related numerical simulation challenges"November, 8, 2019, 10:00, Max-Bergmann-Zentrum mehr »

29.10.2019 Colloquium: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Seelecke, Elastocalorics and Dielectric Elastomers - Smart Materials for Higher Energy Efficiency

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan SeeleckeUniversität SaarlandTitel „Elastocalorics and Dielectric Elastomers - Smart Materials for Higher Energy Efficiency“Oct., 29, 2019, 14:00, Seminarraum Max-Bergmann-Zentrum mehr »

25.10.2019 Colloquium: Dr. Bharat Kapgate, Studies on Bio-Based Ingredients in Rubber Compounds for Different Applications

Dr. Bharat KapgateIndian Rubber Manufacturers Research Association, Thane/IndiaTitle „Studies on Bio-Based Ingredients in Rubber Compounds for Different Applications“Oct., 25, 2019, 13:00, Conference Hall mehr »

22.10.2019 Colloquium: Prof. Rogerio Marczak, An improved constitutive model for anisotropic elastomers

Prof. Rogerio MarczakUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do SulBrasilien Titel: "An improved constitutive model for anisotropic elastomers"Oct. 22, 2019, 13:00, Konferenzsaal mehr »

22.10.2019 Colloquium: Dr. Marcus Scheele, Structure-Transport Correlations in Superlattices of Nanocrystals Coupled to Organic Pi-Systems

Dr. Marcus ScheeleUniversity of Tuebingen, GermanyTitle: Structure-Transport Correlations in Superlattices of Nanocrystals Coupled to Organic Pi-SystemsOctober, 22, 2019, 10:00, Conference Hall mehr »

15.10.2019 Colloquium: Hanna Lisalová, Ultra-low fouling polymer brushes for living cell biosensors

Hanna LisalováDepartment of optical and biophysical systems Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech RepublicUltra-low fouling polymer brushes for living cell biosensorsOctober 15, 2019, … mehr »

09.10.2019 Kolloquium: Dr. Dieter Fischer, (Mikro)Plastik in unserer Umwelt - Was wissen wir? Eintragsquellen - Transportwege - Verbleib - mögliche Gefährdungen für Mensch und Umwelt

Dr. Dieter Fischer IPF Dresden e.V., Abteilung Analytik "(Mikro)Plastik in unserer Umwelt - Was wissen wir? Eintragsquellen, Transportwege, Verbleib - mögliche Gefährdungen für Mensch und Umwelt" Oktober, … mehr »

30.09.2019 Colloquium: Christoph Pfeifer, Hydrogels as Separation Media Based on Defined Pore Size

Christoph Pfeifer, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Karlsruhe Title: "Hydrogels as Separation Media Based on Defined Pore Size" September, 30, 2019, 10:00, Seminarraum Max-Bergmann-Zentrum mehr »

18.09.2019 DPD17: Titles of invited talks announced

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