

07.01.2020 Paper Glycosaminoglycan-based hydrogels with programmable host reactions published in Biomaterials

The new paper by Lucas Schirmer, Karolina Chwalek and other team members demonstrates in a mouse model that foreign body reactions to in situ-assembling starPEG-glycosaminoglycan hydrogels can be effectively controlled … mehr »

20.12.2019 Carsten Werner gives keynote at Life Science Technology Day 2019 of KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm

Carsten Werner presented a keynote Cell-instructive biohybrid hydrogels at Life Science Technology Day 2019 – Workshop on Biological Materials at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden, on December 11th, … mehr »

11.12.2019 Katrin Salchert elected new rector of HTW Dresden

Congratulations to Prof. Dr. Katrin Salchert on her election to be the new rector of the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden (HTW Dresden / University of Applied Sciences Dresden) on December 10th. Katrin … mehr »

09.12.2019 Section Cover published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces

A cover was published in the current issue of ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (volume 11, issue 45) featuring the article Temperature-Induced Mechanomodulation of Interpenetrating Networks of Star Poly(ethylene … mehr »

13.11.2019 Carsten Werner appointed member to the National Academy of Science and Engineering

Congratulations to Carsten Werner on his recent appointment as a member to the National Academy of Science and Engineering - acatech. The Academy provides policymakers and society with independent, evidence-based advice … mehr »

12.11.2019 Dimitri Eigel received the "Best Talk Award" at the 15th International Saint Petersburg Conference of Young Scientists

Dimitri's talk "Microscale cryogels as devices for focal therapeutic delivery" has been awarded at the 15th International Saint Petersburg Conference of Young Scientists "Modern Problems of Polymer … mehr »

30.09.2019 Yanuar Limasale has been awarded "ESB best oral presentation of young presenters"

Yanuar´s talk "Tuning the transport of signaling molecules in heparin-based hydrogel" has been awarded at the 30th Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials (ESB 2019, Sept. 09-13, 2019 in … mehr »

05.09.2019 Article published on Physics World

The article "Quick-gelling inks allow high-resolution bioprinting", describing our recent Biofabrication paper (10.1088/1758-5090/ab2aa1), is now live on Physics World; . mehr »

05.09.2019 MaterialVital Preis 2019 awarded for novel hydrogel wound dressings

Researchers of the Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e.V. received the MaterialVital Award 2019 of the Federal Ministry of Science and Education (BMBF) within the ProMatLeben initiative. Dr. Passant … mehr »

03.07.2019 Carsten Werner at the Nanolithography of Biointerfaces Faraday Discussion

Carsten Werner participates in the "Nanolithography of Biointerfaces Faraday Discussion" (03.-05. July 2019) at the Royal Society of Chemistry in London, UK, presenting our recent progress on … mehr »

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