

New project funded by German Federation of Industrial Research Associations (AiF)

The German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) supports Anett Müller (Polymer Interfaces, IPF) and Ralf Helbig (Biointerfaces, IPF) over the next three years, in collaboration with the FILK Freiberg, to work on a new project titled "Plasma-assisted fabrication of silicone surfaces to prevent bacterial adhesion".

Anett Müller, Ralf Helbig and team, together with the FILK, will jointly adopt innovative atmospheric pressure plasma processes for structuring of medical silicone by means of submicron-scaled wrinkling. They will evaluate the extent to which additonal silver coatings lead to synergistic effects in terms of reducing bacterial colonization on already antiadhesive structures and explore the industrial feasibility of manufactured wrinkle-structured 3D shaped bodies (i.e. tubes).

The final aim is to prove the applicability of this concept for antiadhesive coatings to reduce catheter associated nosocomial infections.


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