

Strategic cooperation between Carl Zeiss AG and TU Dresden - IPF involved

The TU Dresden and Carl Zeiss AG signed a cooperation agreement on February 17th, 2021 to establish a long-term strategic partnership. This is intended to consolidate cooperation in the areas of research, teaching and innovation, advanced training and internationalization as well as recruiting.

The IPF, which is primarily linked to the TU Dresden through six joint professorships, is involved in joint projects - specifically already in a first project activity, which will be located at the Else Kröner Fresenius Center for Digital Health (EKFZ) and will be developed in cooperation with the Medical Faculty and the University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus Dresden (Prof. Jochen Hampe) as well as the Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research (Prof. Carsten Werner).

As a first research focus organoid models were selected. Organoids are artificially produced tissue parts that are very similar to human organs such as the liver and thus open up completely new, modern working possibilities for researchers.

Press release TU Dresden

Press release Carl Zeiss AG


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