

Paper „Tuning the local availability of VEGF withing glycosaminoglycan-based hydrogels to modulate vascular endothelial cell morphogenesis” published

The new paper Tuning the local availability of VEGF within glycosaminoglycan-based hydrogels to modulate vascular endothelial cell morphogenesis

by Yanuar D. P. Limasale, Passant Atallah, Carsten Werner, Uwe Freudenberg and Ralf Zimmermann unravels the impact of glycosaminoglycan (GAG) concentration and sulfation pattern of star‐shaped poly(ethylene glycol)–glycosaminoglycan hydrogels on the cell fate control within three-dimensional matrices by combining biomolecular interaction analysis and mathematical modeling. Utilizing the GAG-affine vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF165) as a model of growth factors, the authors revealed the relevance of local availability of the factor and the sulfation pattern of GAGs on the formation and spatial organization of tubular structures of gel‐embedded human vascular endothelial cells. The elaborated approaches offer new powerful options to modulate biomolecular signals within engineered biomaterials for precision tissue engineering. The paper was published in Advanced Functional Materials.


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