

Ralf Zimmermann speaks at ELKIN 2019

Ralf Zimmermann presents our recent findings on "Spatio-temporal morphogen gradients to direct cell-fate decisions in glycosaminoglycan-based hydrogels" at the "13th International Symposium on Electrokinetics"

(12.-14. June 2019) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA.

ELKIN is a conference series for the discussion of new advances in research on electrokinetic phenomena and related topics. The meeting is held every two years at different locations worldwide (the previous conference took place at the IPF in 2017).

The participants of ELKIN 2019 will commemorate Johannes Lyklema (1930-2017), the founder and long term chairman of the "International Advisory Board"

of the conference series, with a dedicated lecture given by Jerome Duval.


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