


28.11.2014 Lecture: Hidetoshi Matsumoto, Electrospun nanofibers for energy and environmental applications

10 am, Max Bergmann Center of Biomaterials Dresden, Seminar Room B1, Ground Floor, Budapester Straße 27 mehr »

25.11.2014 Carsten Werner has been appointed Associate Editor of Biomaterials.

The new editorial team of biomaterials mehr »

17.11.2014 Our video 'Lessons from Nature' received the 'Fast Forward Science' Award of Science in Dialogue (Wissenschaft im Dialog)! Congratulations to René, Ralf and Julia!

Fast Forward Science Award 2014 mehr »

14.11.2014 Lecture: Philipp Seib, Polymers for drug delivery and tissue engineering

Lecture: Philipp Seib, PhDStrathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, UKTitle: Polymers for drug delivery and tissue engineering mehr »

24.10.2014 Ralf Helbig, Julia Nickerl and René Hensel have been honored with the International Bionic Award 2014 for their project 'The cuticle of springtails'.

mehr »

23.09.2014 Lecture Elena M. De-Juan-Pardo

Lecture: Elena M. De-Juan-Pardo, PhDInstitute of Health and Biomedical Innovation, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, AustraliaTitle: Bioengineered in vitro models of tumour microenvironments mehr »

18.09.2014 Group Retreat 2014

September 18/19: Group retreat 2014 in Tautewalde, Upper Lusatia, with pleasant weather, inspiring talks and discussions about potential future research projects. mehr »

17.09.2014 Mikhail_Bioconjugate Chemistry

Mikhail Tsurkan's paper on the chemoselective peptide functionalization of starPEG-GAG hydrogels is published in Bioconjugate Chemistry. mehr »

16.09.2014 Beilstein TV

Beilstein TV presents our interdisciplinary research project on the highly anti-adhesive skin of springtails (with Prof. Ch. Neinhuis, TU Dresden). mehr »

10.09.2014 Announcement Christopher Hill

Lecture: Christopher HillInstitute of Translational Medicine and Institute of Integrative Biology, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UKTitle: Development of engineered protein nanofibers for cartilage tissue … mehr »

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