


07.06.2018 Carsten Werner at " International Nanofiber Symposium 2018"

Carsten Werner presents a keynote lecture „Cross scale design of cell-instructive polymer materials" at the "International Nanofiber Symposium 2018” in Tokyo, Japan. … mehr »

08.12.2017 Dr. Lars Renner vertritt Dresdner Bioengineering-Forschung auf dem sächsich-tschechischen Innovationstag

Der jährlich stattfindende sächsisch-tschechische Innovationstag war in diesem Jahr dem Thema „Biomedizin & Bioengineering“ gewidmet. Vertreter aus Wissenschaft und Industrie der Tschechischen Republik und des … mehr »

28.08.2017 Publication in Nature Microbiology: Endless forms most beautiful

Since the formation of the first membrane compartments encapsulating primitive cellular machinery, ever more complex biological shapes have evolved. The shapes of most bacteria are imparted by the structures of their … mehr »

03.07.2017 Carsten Werner at "Symposium Proteases and the Tumori Microenvironment"

Carsten Werner speaking at the Symposium "Proteases and the Tumori Microenvironment" mehr »

15.05.2017 TissueGUARD Project proposal accepted for the EXIST grant

Dear colleagues, we are proud to announce that the proposal TissueGUARD was accepted for the EXIST-Forschungstransfer (EFT) grant. Congratulations to the team and to the proposal lead, Mikhail Tsurkan !!! mehr »

09.05.2017 Sep 10-12: ELKIN - 12th International Symposium on Electrokinetics

Dear Colleagues, We are pleased to announce the 12th International Symposium on Electrokinetics to take place in Dresden, Germany from September 10 to 12, 2017. The conference will cover recent progress in … mehr »

20.04.2017 Publication in Science Translational Medicine: Glykosaminoglykan-basierte Hydrogele für die verbesserte Behandlung chronischer Wunden

Glykosaminoglykan-basierte Hydrogele für die verbesserte Behandlung chronischer Wunden Diabetes, eine mit mehr als 420 Millionen weltweit betroffenen Patienten weit verbreitete Erkrankung, geht oft mit chronischen … mehr »

28.03.2017 Looking back at Symposium "Biomaterials-based approaches to personalized medicine"

The one-day symposium "Biomaterials-based approaches to personalized medicine" has been organized by three institutes of Leibniz Health Technologies: the Leibniz Institute of New Materials (INM), the Leibniz … mehr »

21.03.2017 Project proposal Centre for metabolic immunologic diseases at TU Dresden, approved

Project proposal "Centre for metabolic immunologic diseases at TU Dresden, approved! We congratulate and are happy to participate! mehr »

15.12.2016 VolkswagenStiftung awards Dr. Lars Renner

The VolkswagenStiftung will support Dr. Lars Renner over the next five years under the initiative "Life – A fresh scientific approach to the basic principles of life". With his collaborators Ariel Amir … mehr »

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