Aktuelle Publikationen
- 19.10.2023 Publikation enthüllt interessante Erkenntnisse zur Haftung von Krankenhauskeimen
Herr Professor Andreas Fery, Leiter des IPF-Instituts Physikaliche Chemie und Physik der Polymere, ist Koautor der Studie "The adhesion capability of Staphylococcus aureus cells is heterogeneously distributed over … mehr »
- 13.06.2023 On the cover of the Journal of Materials Chemistry: IPF publication on low-dimensional hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites
The new paper 'Molecular engineering of naphthalene spacers in low-dimensional perovskites' by Andrei Mitrofanov, Yonder Berencén, Elaheh Sadrollahi, Regine Boldt, David Bodesheim, Hendrik Weiske, Fabian Paulus, Jochen … mehr »
- 03.05.2023 Paper “Analysis of the binding of cytokines to highly charged polymer networks’’ published
The new paper Analysis of the binding of cytokines to highly charged polymer networks by Uwe Freudenberg, Passant Atallah, Jens-Uwe Sommer, Carsten Werner and Matthias Ballauff presents a model for how biological … mehr »